Tuesday, March 25, 2014

History of Photography

From doing this poster, I learned a lot about the history of photography. Not only did we learn about the first cameras, but also the evolution of photography as a whole. Photography evolved from a simple, new art form, to a social tool that we know now as the media. Images became the new medium for sharing the world. As for the cameras, we’ve come a long way. Photography started as just positives and negatives on a piece of paper. From there, we were able to develop the first point and shoot cameras, which eventually became digital. The most amazing piece of it is how far we’ve come in recent years. In the span of about 30 years, we went from the first digital camera, a clunky machine that shot at .01 mp and took 23 seconds per photo), to having cameras in our phones that were capable of shooting much higher resolutions and taking multiple pictures per second.

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